Do you feel frustrated by the continuous dry cleaning of suits? How to iron a suit must be a question of your mind, too, like me. Dry cleaning is a true way to give clothes a clean look, but it’s expensive and requires time and responsibility to pick up your favorite suit from the shop without getting late for the occasion. The more productive manner is to learn the iron method and always look like you’re wearing a new suit.

In the below blog instructions, the techniques to make your suits ironed and attractive will be explained well. Without making it more secret, let’s break it:

The On-Board Details to Iron a Suit

Iron is a helpful process whether you want to do a suit, tuxedo, jacket, or something else. It’s the only way to remove the wrinkles of the dresses that we usually face after washing the clothes. The rules of ironing are very simple that includes, stop ironing dirty clothes, full wet clothes, or stained pieces of dress. Ensure to wash your suits or tuxedos properly, dry them in natural sunlight, and then iron them. Now, let’s crack the method:

Part 1: Get Your Ironing Supplies

Having the appropriate equipment is important if you choose to press your suit at home. To press your suit at home, you’ll need the following:

  1. A strong ironing board
  2. An excellent clothes iron
  3. Filtered water
  4. A handkerchief or a pressing cloth

In resolve how to iron a suit coat query, you’ll need an iron and an ironing board. Avoiding tap water is also important because it can include minerals that may harm your suit by collecting in your iron. Additionally, you should avoid ironing your suit directly. To protect the fabric from the iron, place a pressing cloth between the iron and the fabric.

1. Clean Your Ironing Tools

Take a moment to make sure everything is clean before you start ironing your suit, once you have arranged everything you need. Laying your suit on your ironing board is the most difficult method to discover that you should have cleaned the cover. In addition, now is a wonderful opportunity to look for any stains on the suit itself and, if needed, clean the area.

How to clean your ironing tool

2. Choose the Right Iron Settings

Your iron should be just the right temperature. After reviewing the care instructions, select the iron’s heat setting that fits the material of your suit. Test the iron on a piece of cloth or the inside of the suit before you start pressing clothes.

How to choose right ironing setting

Stop ironing and take your suit to the dry cleaner if you see any damage while testing to prevent damaging it. Proceed carefully if everything goes smoothly when testing the iron settings. To prevent the burning of the fabric, place your pressing cloth between the iron and the suit.

3. Check Your Jacket for Stains

Take the jacket you would like to iron out and look for any dirt, sweat stains, or spots. Treat any stains or spots before ironing because heat will set them in and make them much more difficult to get rid of.

Jacket stain check

4. Set up the Ironing Board

If you don’t have one, lay a folded bath towel on a flat surface that isn’t damaged by heat, such as a granite countertop or hardwood floor. If your iron is not cordless, make sure your ironing board is level and near a power supply. While a thinner sleeve board is also an option, a standard ironing board is enough. This step is same for how to iron a suit coat, how to iron a suit jacket, and how to iron a suit trousers.

Setting up ironing board

Part 2: Check the Suit Label

To find out how to take care of your suit jacket and what kind of material it is made of, check the inside lining. Depending on the material of your suit, you will need to change the iron’s heat setting. The following list includes the heat settings for several of the most popular jacket materials:

Cotton or Linen: Hot

Synthetic Materials such as Silk Polyester, Nylon, or Acrylic: Cool.

Wool and Polyester Blend: Cool-warm.

1. Make Sure the Iron is Clean

Over time, your iron’s base may get soiled and leave residue on textiles. If cleaning the base is necessary, tough stains can be removed with a moist cloth or baking soda paste. Combine 1 tablespoon water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda to create the paste. After a minute, apply the paste and clean the iron.

2. Fill a Spray Bottle

To keep the fabric from burning while ironing, you will need to mist it with a little water.  Additionally, the water releases steam, which helps to reduce wrinkles. You won’t need a spray bottle if your iron has a steam feature. Before you start, make sure the water in your iron is hot by adding distilled water.

Ironing a suit

3. Plug in Your Iron

Adjust the temperature to suit the fabric of your jacket.  Let the iron warm up. Several minutes may pass, depending on your iron. When the iron is hot, the indication light on the majority of new irons will glow. Make sure the iron is at the proper temperature before starting.

Ironing suit guide

4. Place Cloth between Iron and Jacket

In addition to preventing any shiny spots on your jacket, this will also protect your suit as you iron it. Although a cotton towel or rag may do, a drill cloth or muslin is preferable. A piece of fabric should be placed between your iron and each section of the jacket you are pressing. Turn the jacket inside out and push the fabric through the lining if you don’t have a cloth. Your jacket’s lining will probably be made of a different fabric than the rest of the clothes. How to iron a suit jacket solution, you may get it.

5. Place the Pressing Cloth

You can press while equally covering both sides with a pressing cloth for added protection. Place this over your suit and iron each side separately. It’s necessary to use a pressing cloth to shield your clothing from possible damage caused by direct pressing.

How to place the pressing cloth

Additionally, it keeps the fabric taut, which improves the process of ironing. Over the wrinkled area, place the hot iron on top of the pressing cloth and apply hard pressure while going back. When ironing wool clothing, special care must be taken in these places.

6. Apply Moist Heat

Heavily wrinkled fabric will be easier to remove if you wet it using the steam setting on your iron. Additionally, you need to use distilled water in a spray bottle for this reason. Always use the shower steam setting while ironing wool because it will scorch easily if you use dry heat alone. Any especially folded or wrinkled parts should be constantly pressed and steam-treated until the wrinkles are gone.  

Applying moist heat during ironing

7. Turn the Suit Inside Out

Wool clothing must be turned inside out and pressed from that side to be ironed. In this way, you may avoid pressing on your suit’s shiny outside spots, and any creases or seams will be ironed flat from the inside, reducing the possibility of them coming undone.

Turn your wool clothing inside out at all times. Place the suit jacket on a hanger by its shoulders after turning it inside out. Iron the wool clothing’s back first, then turn it over to iron the front.

8. Hang the Suit to Dry

Make sure your garment is completely dry before hanging it. Never let your clothes air dry as this may result in shrinking or other issues. Use a strong hanger with rounded ends to hang your iron wool suit because the pressure from a regular wire or plastic hanger may cause the fibers to strain. This step has a great impact in how to iron a suit.

Part 3: Tips for Wool Suit Care

Most likely, you’re thinking that a wool suit needs extra attention. It does, but since you know exactly what to do, the process is quite simple, so you don’t need to worry. Carefully handle the fabric of a wool suit according to these basic guidelines:

1. Avoid Dryer

To avoid damaging your suit, never dry it using a clothes dryer. Suits should always be turned face down to prevent wrinkles from forming on the shoulders or other places where they are draped over an object.

Best way to iron suit

2. Brush Gently

Before putting your wool suit away, make sure you set it up and give it a thorough brushing. A clothes brush’s bristles may easily remove lint and dust from surfaces. You should pay closer attention to the fabric to remove any loose fibers which are much more difficult to remove.

3. Select a Different Closet

To prevent wrinkles, store your wool clothing as soon as you’re done ironing it. Because of these factors, it is recommended to keep your wool suit apart from other clothes in its closet.

Ironing suit technique

4. Hang Suit Properly

A freshly pressed suit should never be hung on a regular wire or plastic hanger as this could cause the fabric to stretch. In addition, since pins can leave rust stains, never use them on any section of a wool suit.

5. Removal of Scorch Mark after Ironing

The wool’s surface may get smooth or burned with too much heat. It is the main concern in how to iron a suit jacket, so be mindful. The following are steps to remove burn marks after ironing:

Scorch marketing removal after ironing

6. Sponge with Vinegar

Add water and vinegar. Using a fresh white cloth, wipe the area that is affected with a solution of vinegar and water. After letting this combination remain for five to ten minutes, wash it off with cold water. To get rid of any remaining scratch marks, repeat this procedure three to four times.

7. Dust it Off

Stop ironing and let the fabric air dry if the wool is a little burned. Using a dry toothbrush, carefully buff the area. In the same direction as the wool fabric pile, buff in a circular motion. Removing any carbon dust that may have collected on it, will aid in the removal of the burn mark.

8. Dilute and Remove

Another option for removing scorching is to use a diluted mix of hydrogen peroxide and water. Using a cotton ball, dab just a little of this solution onto the area that is affected. Let it sit for five to ten minutes, and then give it a good water wash.

Steaming vs Ironing Your Suit, which is Better?

Before attempting anything at home or while traveling, it is usually recommended to check the clothing care labels. If the labels say it’s acceptable and you’re in a hurry, steaming your suit will help smooth out wrinkles and make it look nicer, but it won’t take the place of pressing it. A steamer just cannot create the clean lines and details that a well-pressed suit can. But in comparison of steam vs iron, the winning process is ironing. It makes your tuxedo, jackets, pants, and other stuffed wrinkle-free with a clean look.

Steam vs ironing suit

Keeping Your Suit Wrinkle-Free

Hang your suit on a strong hanger to help it hold its shape after having it pressed at the press shop or home. For hanging suits, wide cedar hangers are a fantastic option. You may also keep your suit dust-free and ready for the next time you want to wear it by storing it in a garment bag. Another important part of keeping your suit in good condition for many years to come is cleaning it regularly.

Final Thoughts

How to iron a suit might seem like a challenging task, with the correct equipment, strategies, and methods, you will quickly become a champion for ironing your suit to perfection. Your dress jacket will be free and prepared for any important event if you follow the gradual instructions from experts on how to iron costume jackets.

Improving your ironing abilities not only makes you look better but also increases the life of your dress jacket and improves its quality. To ensure that you always look your best, take the extra time and care to iron your dress jacket correctly and preserve it.


Which kind of cloth works best for ironing?

While delicate fabrics like silk, velvet, or linen may need extra care or a different technique. Such as using a press cloth or steamer, materials like cotton, wool, and polyester mixes are typically easier to iron.

How can I get rid of my suit jacket’s inflexible wrinkles?

Use a separate steamer or the steam setting on your iron for difficult wrinkles. After equally applying steam to the region that is wrinkled, iron it directly with light pressure. Before ironing, wipe the area that is wrinkled with a little water.

Is it possible to use a steamer in place of an iron?

Yes, a steamer can be an excellent replacement for an iron, particularly in areas that are difficult to reach or for uncertain materials. Because the steam enters the fibers and relaxes them, steamers are very good at removing wrinkles. This makes the process easier and nicer for the cloth.

Which iron temperature setting is best for the various kinds of suit material?

For specific instructions, always refer to the garment’s care tag, but generally speaking, use a lower heat setting for delicate materials like silk, a medium temperature for blends of wool and nylon, and a higher heat setting for cotton and linen.

How frequently should my suit be ironed?

When creases or wrinkles start to show, iron your outfit. To preserve the integrity of the garment over time, avoid over-ironing. Professional pressing should also be done regularly, particularly for sensitive materials.